The Kudos Foundation: Supporting Classical Studies in Australia

How to apply for funding

Applications may be made for funding in two ways:  

1. From time to time Kudos will advertise Grants in Aid or Fellowships. The advertisements will set out the conditions, and applications will be expected to fall within the constitutional scope of the Kudos Foundation, i.e. our aim of assisting Australian universities as eligible charities to promote the teaching and study of Classical languages. Grants are not awarded directly to individuals unless through the medium of their university, and for a purpose that will promote the teaching and study of Ancient Greek and/or Latin in their university. Matching or supporting funding from the institution is not a requirement but is highly desirable. 

2. Other applications subject to the same conditions will be considered at any time. It would normally be helpful for applicants to prepare a written proposal for the Kudos Committee to circulate internally and consider (in confidence). This proposal should describe the project, set out its main purpose and significance, and the reasons why it is a suitable project for Kudos, and should contain a realistic costing of its various components as well as any relevant timelines. The Committee will consider the project and indicate whether it seems to fall within the constitutional scope of the Kudos Foundation and whether Kudos is likely to support it in the general circumstances at the time, and discuss with the applicant the next steps to be taken. 

In each case Kudos aims to supply support, and to negotiate the support of the relevant academic institution, for worthwhile projects which the institution might not be able to justify on the usual calculus of Equivalent Full Time Student Units or other “business activity indicators”. 

The Kudos Foundation will usually aim to negotiate an arrangement with the institution in question, usually involving discussions with representatives of the institution at Departmental, School, Faculty and, where appropriate, at Pro-Vice-Chancellor level.